Delicious Design: The Studio takes on Fancy Food Fest NYC

Attending the Fancy Food Fest in New York City was an exhilarating experience that provided an in-depth look into the world of food brands, innovative packaging, and the global culinary landscape.

As a design studio with a passion for creativity and innovation, being surrounded by the latest trends and the brightest minds in the food industry was both inspiring and educational. It was an experience that engaged all of our senses, most especially our sense of taste.

A Global Perspective on Brands and Packaging

Walking through the bustling aisles of the Fancy Food Fest, we were immediately struck by the diversity of brands and packaging from around the world. Each booth showcased unique designs that told a story, reflecting the culture and heritage of their origins. From minimalist, eco-friendly packaging to bold, vibrant designs, the creativity on display was nothing short of impressive. It was fascinating to see how different regions approach branding and packaging, providing valuable insights that we can apply to our own design projects.

Engaging with Industry Experts

One of the highlights of the event was the opportunity to engage with makers, manufacturers, distributors, and experts in the field. Each conversation provided a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the food industry. We learned about the latest trends in sustainable packaging, innovative marketing strategies, and the importance of storytelling in brand development. These interactions not only expanded our knowledge but also opened up potential collaborations for future projects.

Inspiration from Whole Foods CEO

A standout moment was listening to the Whole Foods CEO share insights on how to get products into their stores. His talk was filled with practical advice and inspiring stories, highlighting the importance of quality, authenticity, and a strong brand narrative. It was encouraging to hear that even in a highly competitive market, there is always room for unique and genuinely good products. This reinforced our belief in the power of design and storytelling in helping brands stand out.

Tantalizing Tastes from Around the World

The Fancy Food Fest was a culinary adventure like no other. We had the pleasure of tasting hot sauce that ignited our taste buds, indulging in TikTok-famous candy, and savoring dishes from a myriad of countries. Italian cuisine transported us to the streets of Rome, Peruvian dishes introduced us to rich flavors and traditions, Spanish food offered a fiesta of tastes, Chinese delicacies provided comfort and excitement, and French cuisine reminded us of timeless elegance. Each bite was a testament to the incredible diversity and richness of global culinary traditions.

Connections with Startup CPG and FAIRE

Meeting the teams at Startup CPG and FAIRE was another highlight of the event. Their passion for bringing unique and special brands to market was evident, and our discussions were filled with energy and enthusiasm. We shared ideas on how to elevate brand presence, reach new audiences, and create memorable experiences. These connections are invaluable as we continue to support innovative brands through our design expertise.

Reflecting on Favorites

With so much to see, smell, hear, touch, and taste, it's almost impossible to choose a favorite flavor, brand or package from this year's Fancy Food Fest. The items that really drew our design eye were the elegant & polished, the handmade, and the simply sophisticated. 

If you read our 2024 Trends Report, you already know  we were expecting clashes of color vs. simple and sophisticated. Brands like Pranzo, Divina and Yiayia and Friends played boldy with color. We were impressed with the intricate, thoughtful finishes of Good Hair Day Pasta and Acetaia Bellai, which helped elevate their products even further in the gourmet category. 

Overall, we were just impressed by how high-quality these products were, and how stunning their packaging could be. We've already begun bringing this inspiration and energy back to our current projects. Even with so much still to digest, we're already hungry to return next year! 

Kristy Sieve
